
A different fantasy team: If looks won World Cups

Arsenal was my team long before I fancied boys. I would love them even if the whole lot looked like Ronaldinho; lucky for me though, they certainly don't. As a female, I enjoy two sides of soccer - watching the game and watching David Beckham take off his shirt. As I made some last minute changes to my Fantasy EPL team, I wondered, what would my (other) fantasy soccer team be? Needless to say, it didn't take me long to figure this one out.

KB's Arsenal of Hotties - the bestlooking XI
Real FANTASY Football

Robin Van Persie - What drummers are to bands, goalies are to football clubs: unattractive. As this is my fantasy squad, I don't need a goalie, just someone tall who looks good.
Lucas Neil - Why I cheered for Australia during group stages of the World Cup... even if he is a Hammer (ick).
Devon McTavish - Someone had to be listed from DCU, a team which seams to recruit on looks just as much as talent... and they are a pretty good team. This DC United midfielder/defender seems to be a favorite with DCU friends and staff, and would surely give teammate Bobby Boswell a run for his money as Cosmo's Bachelor of the Year.
Cobi Jones - Bex isn't the only Galaxy hottie. When watching Beckham train, this was the only player who could draw my eyes away from Beckham. Short, but sweet.
David Odonkor - (Captain) The best looking man on Earth - hot enough to make me watch Bundesliga.
Freddy Ljungberg - He may be a bit old and a total toolbag, but I will NEVER throw away my life-sized Freddie Calvin Klein poster- I risked my life stealing it from a London bust stop, and it was well worth it.
That English dude in MLS - I think his name is Beckham, or something like that.
Joe Cole - Even if he plays for Chelski - at least he isn't Cashley Cole.
Cesc Fabregas - I'd rob that cradle (too young to drink Sangria en Los Estados Unidos).
Ruud van Nistelrooy - a whole lot hotter on Madrid... Men call him horsefaced, but women simply point out how tall he is... Dutchmen are so very tall.
Thierry Henry - Oui, oui, oui!

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