
Best of the Best

Dan Steinberg's DC Sports Bog is, quite simply, everything a blog should be (and he has my dream job). He is constantly solicited to attend sporting events for free. He gets to meet and shoot the shit with any and every athlete he wants. I also assume he has copious amounts of micro-brewed beer and artisanal cheese sent to him as well. He is the man.

These are just a few of my all time favorite Sports Bog moments.
  • Want to see a penis on a Georgetown student's face? (note- that kid will likely be your accountant in two years) Also, make sure you check out the reader comments; some got pretty heated.
  • Brendan Gaughan is not the only reason I love this story. Apparently, NASCAR is trying to net in inner city fans. I imagine these kids at a NASCAR event would feel the same way I'd feel that time I went to a Marrion Barry fund raiser.
  • The eternal question is finally answered: Which DC sports icons have the best staches??? --- Best beard? Ben Olson, obviously.
  • I love anything with Luciano Emilio or DC United, and this man covers it all. This one is a personal favorite, nabbed from Bobby Boswell's site.
  • Clintin Portis trivia... Because Eastern Motors commercials never get old.
  • And, my number one reason for loving the Bog (of 5 million)--- Steinberg, as shown in a three part series, really really loves Georgetown too!


Unknown said...

I also like Dan! wow - we have so much in common! I also like Luciano too!

- An Intern

Unknown said...

Hmm.. that wasn't actually from Kyle.. and neither is this one