These are just a few of my all time favorite Sports Bog moments.
- Want to see a penis on a Georgetown student's face? (note- that kid will likely be your accountant in two years) Also, make sure you check out the reader comments; some got pretty heated.
- Brendan Gaughan is not the only reason I love this story. Apparently, NASCAR is trying to net in inner city fans. I imagine these kids at a NASCAR event would feel the same way I'd feel that time I went to a Marrion Barry fund raiser.
- The eternal question is finally answered: Which DC sports icons have the best staches??? --- Best beard? Ben Olson, obviously.
- I love anything with Luciano Emilio or DC United, and this man covers it all. This one is a personal favorite, nabbed from Bobby Boswell's site.
- Clintin Portis trivia... Because Eastern Motors commercials never get old.
- And, my number one reason for loving the Bog (of 5 million)--- Steinberg, as shown in a three part series, really really loves Georgetown too!